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Al Vesuvio Pizzeria & Restaurant Eat & Drink

Al Vesuvio, Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Irlanda

About Location

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Pre Theatre Menu - 2 Course Dinner for 2 People, plus a glass of house wine each
Pre-theatre menu for Theatre Lovers! From 4pm to 6.30pm, Sunday to Friday.

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An exquisite Italian Osteria and Pizzeria located in the heart of Dublin's cultural quarter.

Our menu offers a top range of quality pizzas, pasta, seafood, steak, and vegetarian dishes, all steeped in traditional Italian cooking.

Our chefs use only the freshest ingredients, and our pizzas are flame-baked in an open brick oven, giving them an authentic taste and texture. Book your table now to enjoy a warm and inviting atmosphere, friendly and professional service, and a full Italian food dining experience.
