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The Irish House Bar Eat & Drink

Ellison Street, Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland

About Location

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A cosy traditional Old World bar located on the Main Street in the heart of Castlebar. A popular spot with all age groups, this bar is split into three main sections as well as a covered outdoor seating area during the summer months . During the winter, the open fire greets you as soon as you walk in the front door. As you look around you, every shelf and ledge is full of antiques and memorabilia which help to create the wonderful atmosphere that this pub is famous for, the kind of atmosphere you cannot manufacture overnight. There is also a Pool table, Dartboard and Juke box. All major sporting events are shown on numerous screens around the bar with fantastic surround sound. A selection of drinks promotions are always available. Bar food is available daily with a large selection of Sandwiches, Crispy salad Rolls, Panini, Baps, Wraps, Salad Plates, Milkshakes and Smoothies as well as Freshly made Soup of the day and a large selection of teas and freshly ground Coffees.
