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The Laurels Pub & Restaurant Eat & Drink

The Laurels Pub & Restaurant, Main Street, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland

About Location

Purchase a Gift Voucher for The Laurels Pub & Restaurant

Step 1: Choose Voucher Type

Step 2: Choose Experience

Choose Experience

Sunday Lunch at The Laurels
Lunch for two - 2 main courses, 2 desserts & 2 tea or coffee
Pizza & Pints
Share a Stone Baked Pizza and two pints of Beer
Dinner for 2 with a bottle of house Wine
Three Course Meal for 2 with a Bottle of House wine or 2 Cocktails
A bottle of Bubbly
Treat your favourite person to a bottle of prosecco and make their night at The Laurels

Step 2: Choose Product

Choose Product

Step 2: Choose Voucher amount

Step 3: Pick a Voucher image

Step 4: Personalise your Voucher

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Step 5: How should we send it?

Please note: All Voucher's are printable. If you would like to deliver the Voucher in person, you can send it to yourself.

Step 6: When should we send it?

Terms and Payment

Voucher Value
Payment Service Provider Fee (2%)
Postage Fee
Promo/Discount - €
Order Total

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The Laurels is a wonderful traditional Killarney pub which has been run by the O’Leary family for over a century. And little has changed in that time.

Tiled floors and beamed ceilings, lots of alcoves and dimly lit corners, friendly and attentive staff, all contribute to the charm of The Laurels.
