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The Strand Bar Eat & Drink

Strandhill Beach, Shore Road, Carrowbunnaun, Strandhill, County Sligo, Ireland

About Location

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Located a few short steps from the Wild Atlantic Way, The Strand is a long established Pub & Restaurant offering a warm welcome and happy atmosphere

Serving Lunch, Pizza and Evening Menu full of great choices with some banging daily specials. A couple of the popular ones are our well renowned Guinness Beef Stew and the Seafood Platter when available.
Our in house freshly made stone baked Pizza's served everyday from 4pm to 10pm are always a winner
Lunch served daily from 12 until 4pm(last orders 3.50pm) and Evening Menu from 5pm to 8pm (last orders 7.45pm) Not forgetting the two great restaurants located above The Strand, Jade Garden and Stoked
