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Bar Italia Eat & Drink

Bar Italia Ristorante, Ormond Quay Lower, North City, Dublin, Ireland

About Location

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Bar Italia, an authentic Italian Experience. It is Italy...on your doorstep since 1999. First pinseria Romana in Ireland (a 72 hours fermentation pizza for unbelievable lightness) fresh hand made pasta. Lamb and beef are pasture-fed in co Roscommon from Gilligan's farm natural and best. Free range chicken from co. Kildare. Menu with seasonal truffle directly imported from Umbria. Risotto specialties like milanese con ossobuco, vegan and gluten free caterer for. Spacious restaurant on 2 floors with private room dining. Original house made desserts. Irish and Italian cold beers selection and over 320 Italian wines( many under 40€) with a very large selection by the glass. Professional service with a big smile always ready to welcome you.
