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House of Plates Eat & Drink

House of plates, Upper Chapel Street, Garryduff, Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland

About Location

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House Of Plates is a contemporary restaurant in Castlebar with a focus on small and sharing plates. The restaurant is family owned and operated by Barry and Helen Ralph. Barry is an award-winning chef with over 18 years’ experience running restaurants.

We are a casual and contemporary restaurant . We are passionate about using locally produced, seasonal and artisan foods. We have a team of food partners from the surrounding locality and region.

Our restaurant is decorated in a rustic industrial style using as much recycled material as possible, for example our wine rack and benches are made from pallets, our tables are made from reclaimed wood and piping, our chairs were bought second hand from the Basilica in Knock Shrine.

Our aim is to be as sustainable as possible. We do this by always following our mission statement above and our guiding principles.
