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Kealys of Cloghran Eat & Drink

Kealy's, Swords Road, Cloghran, Dublin, Ireland

About Location

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3 Course - Weekday Menu for 2 People
Our Extensive menu, perfect for casual dining. Choose any starter, main and dessert – supplement charge of €8 on steaks apply.
3 Course - Weekend Menu for 2 People
Our Extensive menu, perfect for casual dining. Choose any starter, main and dessert – supplement charge of €8 on steaks apply.

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Kealy's of Cloghran, the renowned Gastro Pub, located right beside Dublin Airport. Established in 1964 by Joe Kealy, Derry (Joe's Son) along with his family operate Kealy's to this day.

Currently celebrating sixty years in business, Kealy's is the perfect spot to drop in to when looking for a tasty bite to eat or a leisurely pint.

Open daily (Monday to Saturday 9am till close, and Sundays and Bank Holidays midday till close), Kealy's serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.

With three bars on offer and a beautiful garden terrace, Kealy's has capacity for all events you may wish to book. Tel: 01 8401372 / Email

We look forward to welcoming you next time you are out by Dublin Airport.
