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La Bucca Eat & Drink

Meath, County Meath, Ireland

About Location

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Steak Night for two with a bottle of wine
Enjoy a sharing starter of Doughballs Doppio with homemade dips or our hand-stretched Italian Flatbread, two Irish 10oz sirloin steaks with skinny chips and sauce of your choice accompanied by a delicious bottle of Neropasso Venetian red wine made with local withered grapes or Oropasso, it's white counterpart.

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All our restaurants follow the same basic principles of serving good quality, freshly prepared food at value for money prices in clean, stylish surroundings. Our Mediterranean menu offers something for everyone, we cater for free from gluten diets, vegan and vegetarian consumers and we have weekly specials in each restaurant. We employ over 75 people and our proud of our local community involvement in all communities in which we operate.

Redemption Locations

La Bucca
Meath, County Meath, Ireland

La Bucca

All our restaurants follow the same basic principles of serving good quality, freshly prepared food at value for money prices in clean, stylish surroundings. Our Mediterranean menu offers something for everyone, we cater for free from gluten diets, vegan and vegetarian consumers and we have weekly specials in each restaurant. We employ over 75 people and our proud of our local community involvement in all communities in which we operate.
La Bucca - Ratoath
La Bucca Ratoath, Corballis Demesne, Ratoath, County Meath, Ireland

La Bucca - Ratoath

All our restaurants follow the same basic principles of serving good quality, freshly prepared food at value for money prices in clean, stylish surroundings. Our Mediterranean menu offers something for everyone, we cater for free from gluten diets, vegan and vegetarian consumers and we have weekly specials in each restaurant. We employ over 75 people and our proud of our local community involvement in all communities in which we operate.
La Bucca - Dunboyne
La Bucca Dunboyne, The Green, Main Street, Dunboyne, County Meath, Ireland

La Bucca - Dunboyne

All our restaurants follow the same basic principles of serving good quality, freshly prepared food at value for money prices in clean, stylish surroundings. Our Mediterranean menu offers something for everyone, we cater for free from gluten diets, vegan and vegetarian consumers and we have weekly specials in each restaurant. We employ over 75 people and our proud of our local community involvement in all communities in which we operate.