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Leonard Catering Ltd. Eat & Drink

McHughs Traditional Pub & Restaurant, Tuam Rd, Killeen, Castlegar Village, County Galway, Ireland

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Established in 2013, Leonard Catering Ltd. is the leading Bar & Restaurant operator in the West of Ireland.

When you give someone a Leonard Catering Gift Voucher you also give them the gift of choice.

Currently operating McHugh’s Traditional Pub & Restaurant, Peggy’s Bar, Lounge & Restaurant, The Red Gap, Village Inn Bar & Restaurant & Lydon's Bar & Restaurant.

Redemption Locations

The Village Inn Bar & Restaurant
The Village Inn Bar & Restaurant, Kilchreest, Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland

The Village Inn Bar & Restaurant

Established in 2013, Leonard Catering Ltd. is the leading Bar & Restaurant operator in the West of Ireland. When you give someone a Leonard Catering Gift Voucher you also give them the gift of choice. Currently operating McHugh’s Traditional Pub & Restaurant, Peggy’s Bar, Lounge & Restaurant, The Red Gap, Village Inn Bar & Restaurant & Lydon's Bar & Restaurant.
The Red Gap Bar & Restaurant
The Red Gap Bar & Restaurant, Knock, Barnaderg, County Galway, Ireland

The Red Gap Bar & Restaurant

Established in 2013, Leonard Catering Ltd. is the leading Bar & Restaurant operator in the West of Ireland. When you give someone a Leonard Catering Gift Voucher you also give them the gift of choice. Currently operating McHugh’s Traditional Pub & Restaurant, Peggy’s Bar, Lounge & Restaurant, The Red Gap, Village Inn Bar & Restaurant & Lydon's Bar & Restaurant.
Peggys Bar & Restaurant
Peggys Bar and Restaurant, Aucloggeen, Claregalway, County Galway, Ireland

Peggys Bar & Restaurant

Established in 2013, Leonard Catering Ltd. is the leading Bar & Restaurant operator in the West of Ireland. When you give someone a Leonard Catering Gift Voucher you also give them the gift of choice. Currently operating McHugh’s Traditional Pub & Restaurant, Peggy’s Bar, Lounge & Restaurant, The Red Gap, Village Inn Bar & Restaurant & Lydon's Bar & Restaurant.
Lydons Bar & Restaurant
Lydon’s Bar & Restaurant, Carraghy, Claregalway, County Galway, Ireland

Lydons Bar & Restaurant

Established in 2013, Leonard Catering Ltd. is the leading Bar & Restaurant operator in the West of Ireland. When you give someone a Leonard Catering Gift Voucher you also give them the gift of choice. Currently operating McHugh’s Traditional Pub & Restaurant, Peggy’s Bar, Lounge & Restaurant, The Red Gap, Village Inn Bar & Restaurant & Lydon's Bar & Restaurant.
Mc Hughs Traditional Pub & Restaurant
McHughs Traditional Pub & Restaurant, Tuam Rd, Killeen, Castlegar Village, County Galway, Ireland

Mc Hughs Traditional Pub & Restaurant

Established in 2013, Leonard Catering Ltd. is the leading Bar & Restaurant operator in the West of Ireland. When you give someone a Leonard Catering Gift Voucher you also give them the gift of choice. Currently operating McHugh’s Traditional Pub & Restaurant, Peggy’s Bar, Lounge & Restaurant, The Red Gap, Village Inn Bar & Restaurant & Lydon's Bar & Restaurant.