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Mulroys Beauty & Laser Clinic Hair & Beauty

Shamble Street, Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland

About Location

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Mulroys Beauty Clinic,specialising in Environ,dermalogica and yonka skincare,vein gogh thread vein removal,micro needling non invasive needling,microdermabrasion,I.P.L,electrolisis,T.E,earpiercing,HD brows,novalash eyelash extentions,shellac,vinlylux minx and gel nails,American pedicure chair including hard skin removal,spray tanning,make up including bridal using Jane Iredale and Bare Minerals products.massage,hot stone massage,ear coning,All types of waxing including specialised waxing using Lycon painfree wax and threading available on all areas.
