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Servd Eat & Drink

Servd, Bridge Street, Cahernamart, Westport, County Mayo, Ireland

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Servd emerged in Westport in 2020 as the forefront dining experience for those seeking high end casual day time food. We offer a chef designed take on brunch and lunch in an environment which offers our customers back the basic need to connect through their love for good food, wine, coffee and service. Something Covid has taken away in recent years and something our customers are eager to regain. Our brand offers this in an urban high end experience which can be felt throughout our interiors, menu and service imitating restaurants and cafes seen in many of the world’s busiest and trendiest cities.

In 2021 Servd. was shortlisted in the prestigious Irish Business Post Food and Wine Awards. Servd was nominated in the top 10 best cafes in Ireland within our first year of trading.

‘Good Food, Good People, Good Times – Life’s too short for anything less’

Redemption Locations

Servd, Bridge Street, Cahernamart, Westport, County Mayo, Ireland


Servd emerged in Westport in 2020 as the forefront dining experience for those seeking high end casual day time food. We offer a chef designed take on brunch and lunch in an environment which offers our customers back the basic need to connect through their love for good food, wine, coffee and service. Something Covid has taken away in recent years and something our customers are eager to regain. Our brand offers this in an urban high end experience which can be felt throughout our interiors, menu and service imitating restaurants and cafes seen in many of the world’s busiest and trendiest cities. In 2021 Servd. was shortlisted in the prestigious Irish Business Post Food and Wine Awards. Servd was nominated in the top 10 best cafes in Ireland within our first year of trading. ‘Good Food, Good People, Good Times – Life’s too short for anything less’
Westpoint Shopping Centre, Altamont Street, Knockranny, Westport, County Mayo, Ireland


Servd emerged in Westport in 2020 as the forefront dining experience for those seeking high end casual day time food. We offer a chef designed take on brunch and lunch in an environment which offers our customers back the basic need to connect through their love for good food, wine, coffee and service. Something Covid has taken away in recent years and something our customers are eager to regain. Our brand offers this in an urban high end experience which can be felt throughout our interiors, menu and service imitating restaurants and cafes seen in many of the world’s busiest and trendiest cities. In 2021 Servd. was shortlisted in the prestigious Irish Business Post Food and Wine Awards. Servd was nominated in the top 10 best cafes in Ireland within our first year of trading. ‘Good Food, Good People, Good Times – Life’s too short for anything less’