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The Dining Room Eat & Drink

Dining Room, Bridge Street, Gorteendrunagh, Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland

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Nestled in the heart of Castlebar, Dining Room is a classic, intimate dining experience. Here at Dining Room we pride ourselves on making sure you have the best dining experience we can offer, with professional advice on the correct wine to make the perfect evening.
A seasonally inspired menu which boasts the finest quality local and regional produce Ireland has to offer. We carefully chose our suppliers to ensure that Dining Room represents only the finest quality ingredients. The menu includes only the finest Irish Beef, the Eurotoques award winning velvet pork from Andarl Farm, Velvet Cloud cheese, Dozio's Cheese, Galway Goat Farm, Kelly's Butchers, the wonderful organic farm produce from Joe Kelly to name but a few.
spoilt for choice, Dining Room customers are treated to an array of the best local artisan produce.
