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The Locke Bar & Locke Burger Eat & Drink

The Locke Bar, George's Quay, Englishtown, Limerick, Ireland

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The multi-award winning Locke Bar sits picturesquely in the heart of Limerick City’s Medieval Quarter, where the Abbey River meets the Shannon. Its beautiful riverside setting, featuring a hugely popular outdoor seating and entertainment area, brings a unique offering to the city of Limerick. As a gastro pub, serving food 7 days a week, it is particularly renowned for its Ocean Fresh Seafood Menu and choice of Fresh Daily Specials as well as many other dishes to suit all tastes.

Locke Burger was founded in 2018. We started out serving delicious burgers from our vintage Citro?n food truck. We experienced phenomenal demand and support from our loyal customers, so in June 2020 we took the next step and moved Locke Burger into a new home at No 1 George’s Quay, Limerick. Since then we have opened up in Castletroy and at The Creamery, Bunratty.

Redemption Locations

Locke Burger
Locke Burger City Centre, Bridge Street, Englishtown, Limerick, Ireland

Locke Burger

The multi-award winning Locke Bar sits picturesquely in the heart of Limerick City’s Medieval Quarter, where the Abbey River meets the Shannon. Its beautiful riverside setting, featuring a hugely popular outdoor seating and entertainment area, brings a unique offering to the city of Limerick. As a gastro pub, serving food 7 days a week, it is particularly renowned for its Ocean Fresh Seafood Menu and choice of Fresh Daily Specials as well as many other dishes to suit all tastes. Locke Burger was founded in 2018. We started out serving delicious burgers from our vintage Citro?n food truck. We experienced phenomenal demand and support from our loyal customers, so in June 2020 we took the next step and moved Locke Burger into a new home at No 1 George’s Quay, Limerick. Since then we have opened up in Castletroy and at The Creamery, Bunratty.
Locke Burger
Locke Burger Castletroy, University Court, Newcastle, Limerick, Ireland

Locke Burger

The multi-award winning Locke Bar sits picturesquely in the heart of Limerick City’s Medieval Quarter, where the Abbey River meets the Shannon. Its beautiful riverside setting, featuring a hugely popular outdoor seating and entertainment area, brings a unique offering to the city of Limerick. As a gastro pub, serving food 7 days a week, it is particularly renowned for its Ocean Fresh Seafood Menu and choice of Fresh Daily Specials as well as many other dishes to suit all tastes. Locke Burger was founded in 2018. We started out serving delicious burgers from our vintage Citro?n food truck. We experienced phenomenal demand and support from our loyal customers, so in June 2020 we took the next step and moved Locke Burger into a new home at No 1 George’s Quay, Limerick. Since then we have opened up in Castletroy and at The Creamery, Bunratty.
Locke Burger
The Creamery Bar & Restaurant, Old Bunratty Road, Bunratty East, Bunratty, County Clare, Ireland

Locke Burger

The multi-award winning Locke Bar sits picturesquely in the heart of Limerick City’s Medieval Quarter, where the Abbey River meets the Shannon. Its beautiful riverside setting, featuring a hugely popular outdoor seating and entertainment area, brings a unique offering to the city of Limerick. As a gastro pub, serving food 7 days a week, it is particularly renowned for its Ocean Fresh Seafood Menu and choice of Fresh Daily Specials as well as many other dishes to suit all tastes. Locke Burger was founded in 2018. We started out serving delicious burgers from our vintage Citro?n food truck. We experienced phenomenal demand and support from our loyal customers, so in June 2020 we took the next step and moved Locke Burger into a new home at No 1 George’s Quay, Limerick. Since then we have opened up in Castletroy and at The Creamery, Bunratty.