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Aroi Asian Fusion Restaurant Eat & Drink

Aroi Asian Fusion - Kilkenny, Friary Street, Gardens, Kilkenny, Ireland

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Discover the culinary excellence of Aroi, an acclaimed multi-award-winning restaurant.

Our flagship eatery is located on Friary St. in Kilkenny, where we first opened our doors in 2015.

At Aroi, we believe in combining the casual ambiance of dining with the utmost dedication to delivering high-quality Asian fusion cuisine. Our talented executive chef, Fadilah, earned the prestigious title of 'Best Asian Fusion Chef in Ireland' in both 2019 and 2020.

With a passion for culinary exploration, Fadilah has journeyed across Asia, sourcing new recipes and gathering inspiration to infuse our dishes with an authentic and vibrant flair.

Join us at Aroi Asian Fusion, where we merge the art of casual dining with a focus on delivering an exceptional dining experience.
