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Il Vicolo Eat & Drink

IL Vicolo, Dominick Street Lower, Galway, Ireland

About Location

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Il Vicolo first opened its doors up as a cafe & wine bar on buttermilk walk mid-October 2011. Serving minestrone, bruschetta by day & Italian cheese, charcuterie and a nightly changing menu offering seasonal pasta, risotto & rustic delights. Also stocking Prosecco, Aperol & Campari and 50 Italian wines.

With only 24 seats and 20 wines by the glass, it defied logic. Passion, heart, and soul all mixed together offering rustic Italian fare, with a strong southern influence. It worked and we spent two and a half happy years on the edge of St Augustine Street before moving to our current location on the banks of the river Corrib, in the basement of the Bridgemills building.

Our menu today has evolved into a contemporary Italian kitchen with a mix of seasonal pasta, risotto, fish, and meat. Our wine list is 100% Italian and now boasts over 70 wines spanning from the north tip of Alto Adige to the boot of Puglia and the island of Sicily.
