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Infused Wine & Cocktail Bar Eat & Drink

Cahernamart, Westport, County Mayo, F28 XW14, Ireland

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Discover Infused, Westport's newest cocktail & wine bar, where modern mixology meets a curated collection of fine wines. Whether you're a wine connoisseur or a cocktail enthusiast, Infused offers a unique experience that blends artistry, elegance, and flavour.

Premier Wine & Cocktails

At Infused, our wine bar showcases a carefully selected range of boutique and organic wines, ensuring each glass delivers exceptional quality. Guided by our award-winning sommelier, Nick Faujours, you'll enjoy perfect pairings for any occasion, enhancing your journey through taste.

For cocktail lovers, Mixologist David Hacobian crafts an impressive array of drinks using fresh, locally-sourced herbs, fruit, and botanicals. From timeless classics to creative new signatures, David's cocktails are designed to cater to every palate.
