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La Maison Eat & Drink

La Maison, Castle Market, Dublin 2, Ireland

About Location

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La Maison is a French Brasserie in the Heart of Dublin, specialising in some wonderful French classics along with some innovative and modern cooking using the best of locally sourced fresh Irish produce.

La Maison has been a City Centre favourite for over 20 years. Situated at 15 Castle Market, in Dublin’s famous Creative Quarter an area associated with design and creativity since the 18th century. This beautiful red sandstone brick building has been here for 150 years and has had many different functions over the years leading to a wonderful cosy and quirky interior.

Beautiful artwork by Leonetto Cappiello, L’oir Dor, and Diable Vent, all sourced from Paris at Puces market adorn the walls.
Doisneau photographs line the stairs offering a touch of romance to this relaxed space. On the second level the dining room is light and airy, with sash windows looking out onto the bustling Castle Market Street.
